Security camera solutions for schools – Public works

Security camera solutions for schools – Public works

Security camera solution for schools is one of the high-tech solutions that DNG provides to protect the security and safety of educational facilities. Using a smart camera system and network connection technology, this solution helps enhance monitoring, detect and prevent security-related issues in the learning environment.

With DNG’s security camera solution, schools can monitor and record activity from different areas of campus. Camera systems are placed in strategic locations such as doors, hallways, playgrounds and other public areas, helping to provide a comprehensive and continuous view of the activities taking place.

Security camera technology is also combined with facial recognition and intelligent image analysis. This allows the system to automatically detect and warn about unwanted or threatening behavior such as unauthorized intrusion, suspicious objects or acts of violence. Thanks to that, security camera solutions help teachers and school staff react quickly and take safety measures.

Security camera solutions for schools also have the ability to record and store data in real time. This allows school administrators to easily access and review important images and videos when needed, helping to investigate incidents, handle violations, and provide evidence for security-related incidents.