
Safety warning algorithm

Workplace accidents are always a serious problem for the safety and welfare of workers in any business or organization. Many of these work accidents are determined to be due to workers not using or using PPE (personal protective equipment) incorrectly. With the desire to accompany businesses in improving labor safety standards in a modern and simple way, DNG Corp offers a safety warning solution that applies intelligent analysis algorithms of the AI ​​platform.

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Traffic statistics algorithm

By applying modern AI analysis algorithms, the traffic statistics solution converts the traditional manual counting of people/vehicles into digital technology to support the most convenient and accurate work. DNG Corp provides customers with traffic statistics solutions to help businesses optimize management performance and business operations.

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Behavioral analysis algorithm

Integrating behavioral analysis algorithms, monitoring systems are capable of identifying and analyzing whether it is an unusual or dangerous behavior. From there, they provide timely warnings to administrators. Aiming to enhance the value and optimize the performance of the security monitoring system of organizations and businesses, DNG Corp offers behavioral analysis solutions that focus on detecting and preventing suspicious activities that may be detrimental to human safety and regional security.

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Object recognition algorithm

Object recognition is one of the important areas of AI analysis algorithms. With the ability to identify objects and people in real time with high accuracy and reliability, DNG Corp’s solution becomes an important and essential tool to support businesses and organizations that want to lead the industry.

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License plate recognition algorithm

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the outstanding achievements that creates many useful applications to serve human life. In particular, license plate recognition technology using AI analysis algorithms becomes a powerful assistant in ensuring security, strictly controlling vehicles, detecting violations, etc. DNG Corp’s solution is designed to be applied to traffic management situations, using smart AI analysis algorithms to identify license plate, color, brand, model, and vehicle type.

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Facial recognition algorithm

The strong development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology helps the digital transformation process take place quickly in businesses and organizations around the world. In particular, facial recognition is one of the technological breakthroughs that brings people many great benefits to increase security and accurately verify objects, applied in many social fields. To meet the necessary needs of customers, DNG Corp offers a facial recognition solution based on AI analysis algorithms with superior features.

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Fire Prevention – Early Warning

Fire and explosion problems in factories, workshops, apartment buildings, warehouses or forest fires are all dangers that directly affect human life. However, because there are many causes of fires and they are difficult to predict, fire prevention is not simple. To solve this problem, the best solution is to detect fires early so that timely response can be taken.

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Upgrade and rent smart surveillance system

To build or upgrade a comprehensive security monitoring system, business owners not only need to choose the right equipment but also set up a team of professional staff and technicians. This is especially difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises that want to save investment costs and lack human resources to deploy. To meet this need, DNG Corp’s smart monitoring system rental and upgrade solution is certainly the most flexible and effective choice for business owners.

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