ICT Solutions

ICT Solutions

DNG – A diverse, innovative and professional ICT solution platform!

DNG is proud to be a leading unit in the field of providing comprehensive ICT (Information and Communications Technology) solutions, bringing convenience and efficiency to businesses in managing and developing technology.

With a creative vision and dedication to customers, DNG has built a wide portfolio of solutions, meeting all the requirements and needs of businesses. We not only focus on providing leading technology products, but also create optimal, breakthrough and advanced solutions to improve performance and optimize workflow.

DNG offers a range of ICT solutions, including:

  1. Network and telecommunications infrastructure: We provide advanced network and telecommunications system construction solutions, including LAN, WAN, VPN and communication services such as video conferencing and data transmission.
  2. Information technology and software: DNG focuses on developing customized software and applications to fully meet the technical and management requirements of enterprises. We provide data management solutions, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems and mobile applications.
  3. Security and privacy: DNG understands the importance of information security in the modern business environment. We provide network security solutions, access management, monitoring and prevention of security threats.
  4. Cloud computing technology: We accompany enterprises in deploying and managing cloud computing environments, allowing flexible data storage and access, cost savings and increased scalability.
  5. Technical support and service: DNG is committed to providing professional service and dedicated technical support, helping customers solve technological problems quickly and effectively.