Safety warning algorithm

Safety warning algorithm

Workplace accidents are always a serious problem for the safety and welfare of workers in any business or organization. The human suffering from such accidents is enormous, and victims and their families suffer long-term physical, mental and financial consequences. At the same time, businesses provide significant economic impacts such as reduced labor energy, health care costs and legal liabilities. Therefore, reducing weight and minimizing risks must be the top priority of the organization.
Among them, many work accidents are determined to be due to workers not using or using PPE (personal protective equipment) incorrectly. To solve this alarming problem, safety warning solutions will help managers quickly detect violations of the use of protective equipment in the working environment.

Safety alert solution is a technology that applies deep learning AI algorithms to enhance workplace safety by ensuring compliance with safety regulations, especially monitoring the use of protective equipment such as helmets, safety vests and safety glasses, etc. in real time. This technology will integrate with existing camera systems and use AI analysis algorithms to automatically identify and detect PPE violations. The system will then immediately send warnings to managers to prevent potential hazards and protect workers.

Safety alert technology is an important solution that is needed to be used in a variety of working environments such as: factories, plants, mines, medical centers/hospitals.

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Giải pháp cảnh báo an toàn giúp phát hiện các vi phạm PPE

DNG Corp’s safety warning solution

With the desire to accompany businesses in improving labor safety standards in a modern and easy way, DNG Corp offers customers a safety warning solution that applies intelligent analysis algorithms of the AI ​​platform.
Benefits of choosing DNG Corp’s solution:
  • Automatic: In reality, it is very difficult for businesses to allocate personnel to check whether workers and employees are wearing the correct and complete protective gear at all times. Therefore, a safety warning solution to automatically detect PPE violations through a surveillance camera system is the most perfect choice.
  • Timely warning: As soon as a person removes a helmet or any other PPE, the system will immediately alert security personnel. This helps to minimize the possibility of work accidents.
  • Easy deployment and implementation: Applying professional AI algorithms, the technology is easy to set up on the business’s monitoring system while still ensuring absolute safety and security.

Not only that, with the safety warning solution, the enterprise’s monitoring system also provides many advanced features such as:

  • Fire & smoke warning: Detect any point in the monitoring area with a temperature higher than normal, or signs of fire and smoke, which can lead to a fire or explosion, the system will issue a warning to handle the risk before the incident occurs
  • Liquid leak warning: gasoline leak, oil spill.

As a leading authorized distributor in Vietnam of global AI technology development brands such as: Senturian, VCA Technology, FaceMe, AIRA, Vaxtor, Hikvision, Dahua, IronYun,… we are confident that we are the best choice to provide professional AI Platform solutions suitable for each business need.


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DNG Corp’s AI Provider Partners

PPE Violation and Oil Spill Found at Plant

Fire and smoke detection

For more information and detailed advice on safety warning algorithms, please contact DNG Corp via Phone: 0989 595 633 (Mr Cris/ Tung. Nguyen – Brand Manager of Network Optix & AI Division) or Email: