Fire Prevention – Early Warning

Fire Prevention – Early Warning

Fire and explosion problems in factories, workshops, apartment buildings, warehouses or forest fires are all dangers that directly affect human life. Fires will cause serious damage such as destruction of facilities, houses, even human lives, destruction of the living environment, and environmental pollution in a short time.

Therefore, fire prevention plays an extremely urgent and important role. However, because there are many causes of fires and they are difficult to predict, fire prevention is not simple. To solve this problem, the best solution is to detect fires early so that timely response can be taken.

With the strong development of science and technology, thermal imaging technology has been integrated into specialized camera lines combined with AI and Deep learning analysis algorithms to provide excellent capabilities for surveillance camera systems: warning of risks before fires and explosions occur with high accuracy. Thermal imaging cameras can detect radiation and record images of infrared light levels (a type of light that is invisible to the naked eye).

Through thermal imaging cameras, managers can set warning thresholds. Therefore, when any point in the monitoring area has a temperature higher than normal, which can lead to a fire or explosion, the system will issue warnings such as sirens, flashing lights, etc. to quickly detect and handle risks before the incident occurs.

Thermal imaging camera application for early fire detection and warning
Thermal imaging camera application for early fire detection and warning

This solution is applied in many different fields, some specific cases such as:

Spontaneous combustion warning: Construction sites or waste and compost treatment facilities are places with a high risk of fire due to the concentration of flammable materials that when combined will create high heat levels. At this time, the installed thermal imaging camera will help monitor such activities 24/7 to quickly detect and warn early if there is any increase in temperature leading to spontaneous combustion.

  • In areas that are difficult to monitor: Thermal imaging cameras are used to monitor specific equipment such as boilers, furnaces or electrical cabinets, component systems to find heat sources exceeding the allowable threshold that can cause damage to machinery or lead to fire.
  • Detecting potential risks in craft villages: In areas such as craft villages, roads for fire trucks are often very limited. At the same time, the fire alarm system here does not work effectively due to the dusty or humid environment. Therefore, the fire prevention and fighting solution with thermal imaging cameras helps analyze real-time surveillance video images to immediately issue timely warnings when there is smoke or fire to the facility owner before the fire has a chance to break out.

It can be seen that this is a superior solution compared to the traditional fire alarm system, helping you solve the problem of detecting and warning of fires early before a fire occurs.

Fire prevention and fighting – early warning solutions of DNG Corp

Understanding the concerns in ensuring fire safety of enterprises, DNG Corp brings customers fire prevention and fighting – early warning solutions with thermal imaging cameras. Includes advanced features that are superior to conventional solutions:

  • Detect and warn early when there are signs of smoke and fire
  • Warn of abnormally high temperatures in an area
  • Detect and warn of heat conditions
  • Detect smoking behavior in prohibited areas
  • Set up 20 monitoring zones with independent thermal analysis rules on 01 camera

In addition, our solution also provides the ability to detect and warn of danger when detecting signs of gas leaks or oil spills, etc.

DNG Corp – an authorized distributor of products and software from many leading technology brands in AI platform development such as: Senturian, VCA Technology, FaceMe, AIRA, Vaxtor, Hikvision, Dahua, IronYun, … We are committed to bringing customers the best AI solutions, meeting each business need.

For more information and detailed advice on fire prevention and early warning solutions, please contact DNG Corp via Phone: 0989 595 633 (Mr. Cris/ Tung. Nguyen – Brand Manager of Network Optix & AI Division) or Email: