Traffic statistics algorithm
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Traffic statistics algorithm

Traffic statistics technology is integrated with the security monitoring system to automatically count and control the number of people or vehicles entering and exiting accurately and effectively. Thereby, allowing administrators to easily monitor the number of people/vehicles accessing a specific area and control the crowd situation in the fastest way.

By applying modern AI analysis algorithms, the traffic statistics solution converts the traditional manual counting of people/vehicles into digital technology to support the most convenient and effective work. This is the optimal choice for businesses and organizations that want to improve statistical performance.

With this solution, the system is capable of identifying and counting the exact number of each type of object in real time. Then, administrators or business owners rely on it to grasp peak hours to help make appropriate management decisions or business programs.
Traffic statistics solutions play an important and valuable role in analyzing and forecasting service management, so they are applied in many different environmental fields: retail stores, shopping malls, banks, airports, parking lots, parks and entertainment areas, tourist attractions, etc. Traffic statistics are mainly used to: Count the number of people and Count the number of vehicles.
Count the number of people: Through the AI ​​platform integrated in the surveillance camera system to monitor and count the number of visitors in a certain area, providing statistics on the density of potential customers.
Data on the number of customers entering and exiting can be used to combine with sales data, supporting the evaluation of the store’s business performance in real time. This not only helps business owners to closely monitor the quantity and quality of customers entering and exiting, but also to make changes to the arrangement of shelves, the location of advertising signs, or to implement more scientific and effective management and marketing activities.
Vehicle statistics: Traffic statistics solutions play an important and very useful role in traffic management and parking lots. At points on highways and urban roads, the vehicle counting system integrated in the surveillance camera is permanently installed to monitor, classify vehicles (motorbikes, cars, buses, trucks, …) and count the number of vehicles passing by in real time accurately and in detail. Authorities will use this data to monitor, detect peak hours, congestion and compare different locations in the area to plan traffic flow, regulate appropriately and improve traffic infrastructure. In addition, at parking lots/points, managers will use this technology to count the number of vehicles entering and exiting the parking lot. This allows for more effective management, minimizing the risk of asset loss.

DNG Corp’s traffic statistics solution

Constantly updating modern technologies, exploiting the power of surveillance camera systems integrated with intelligent AI analysis algorithms, DNG Corp provides customers with traffic statistics solutions to help businesses optimize management performance and business operations. The main features of the solution include:
  • Counting people and vehicles appearing in the area.
  • Counting people and vehicles moving (in and out) at a certain location.
  • Create a basis for building heat maps to determine customer preferences/interests.
DNG Corp is an official distributor of products and solutions from many famous global technology brands in the field of AI platform development such as: Senturian, VCA Technology, FaceMe, AIRA, Vaxtor, Hikvision, Dahua, IronYun,… We are sure to bring customers in-depth and flexible AI Platform solutions to meet each business need.

For the most detailed advice and support on traffic statistics solutions, please contact DNG Corp via Phone: 0989 595 633 (Mr Cris/ Tung. Nguyen – Brand Manager of Network Optix & AI Division) or Email: