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What is Aggregation Switch? Role in Network Connection

The traditional three-tier network architecture model includes the core layer, aggregation layer, and access layer. These layers work together to provide consumers with a secure, reliable network at a reasonable cost. Among them, the Aggregation Switch is the physical component of the aggregation layer, playing a crucial role in the overall network architecture. So, what is an Aggregation Switch? What role does it play in network connectivity? This article by DNG Corp will provide readers with the most detailed information.

What is an Aggregation Switch?

An Aggregation Switch is a type of Network Switch that allows multiple network connections to be combined into a single link. This helps to increase bandwidth and improve network performance.

Typically, aggregation switches use link aggregation protocols such as Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) and Ethernet Switch Aggregation to combine multiple links into a single logical connection. As a result, they offer high flexibility and scalability, allowing for quick and easy network reconfiguration.

In most cases, Aggregation Switches are used in networks with high traffic or a large number of users because they can efficiently distribute data across multiple links.

What is an Aggregation Switch?

What is an Aggregation Switch?

The Role of the Aggregation Switch in Network Connectivity

The Aggregation Switch is positioned in the middle layer of the network architecture, analogous to a middle manager in a company. This device is responsible for managing data from the lower layer (access layer switches) and then reporting the data to the upper layer (core layer switches).

The Aggregation Switch receives data from the Access Switch to perform local routing, filtering, traffic load balancing, and QoS prioritization management. The device then handles security mechanisms, IP address translation, and multicast data management. Finally, this Internet Switch forwards the data to the core layer switch or performs local routing processing based on the results to ensure the core layer operates smoothly.

It is evident that the aggregation switch has functions such as source addressing, destination address filtering, real-time policy enforcement, security, network isolation, and segmentation. Compared to access switches, aggregation switches offer better performance and higher switching speeds.

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The role of aggregation switches in networking

However, in practice, some network architectures only include access switches and core switches, without aggregation switches. This is typical for small, simple network systems with short transmission distances. In these cases, users may opt not to deploy aggregation switches to reduce network costs and maintenance burdens. However, if the number of network users exceeds 200 and continues to grow in the future, the deployment of aggregation switches becomes essential.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Aggregation Switch

DNG Corp would like to share with you the key factors to consider when selecting aggregation switches:

Backplane Bandwidth and Packet Forwarding Rate

Backplane bandwidth and packet forwarding rate are crucial factors in measuring the packet forwarding capability of a Network Switch. The smaller the backplane bandwidth and packet forwarding rate, the weaker the switch’s data processing capability. If the transmission speed does not meet the required standards, it can easily lead to congestion.

Currently, most switches on the market have wire-speed switching capabilities. Therefore, when choosing an Aggregation Switch, we should select one that meets our actual needs to avoid wasting resources.

Type and Number of Ports

An Aggregation Network Switch aggregates data from multiple access switches and then forwards it to the core switch. Therefore, it’s important to consider the type and number of uplink ports on the access switch and the type of downlink ports on the core switch when selecting an aggregation switch. For example, if the aggregation switch needs to connect to an access switch with SFP optical ports, an aggregation switch with SFP optical ports on the downstream ports should be selected. The number of ports is determined by the number of access switches connected (e.g., 24-port and 48-port aggregation switches).

Additionally, with the continuous development of science and technology, network scales will become increasingly larger. Therefore, to optimize efficiency, you should consider the scalability of the switch ports when choosing an Aggregation Switch for your business.

Port Speed

The port speed of an aggregation switch also depends on the uplink and downlink connections. The port speed can be uniform or different, such as both uplink and downlink being gigabyte or downlink being gigabyte and uplink being 10 megabyte. However, the specific choice depends on the uplink port speed of the access switch and the downlink port speed of the core switch.

Function Management

Unlike core switches, aggregation switches can choose between Layer 2 switches or Layer 3 switches. However, if a Layer 2 switch is used, the management and routing policies will be handled by the core switch rather than the aggregation switch.
  • Link Aggregation
The Aggregation Switch needs to receive traffic from multiple Access Switches and forward all traffic to the Core Switch as quickly as possible (meaning the Aggregation Switch requires a high-bandwidth aggregated link connected to the Core Switch). Therefore, the aggregation switch must support link aggregation functionality to provide sufficient bandwidth for the access layer and ensure it remains operational even if one link is disconnected.
  •  QoS
Nowadays, most users access video, voice, and other devices within the access layer, leading to various types of traffic in the LAN. QoS strategies will prioritize the transmission of designated traffic (such as voice and video) to ensure service quality. Therefore, users should choose enterprise-grade LAN switches that support QoS as aggregation switches when purchasing to meet performance and quality requirements for voice and video during network transmission.
  • Security Policies
To prevent intrusion and unauthorized access to the network using malicious information or other network devices, the aggregation switch can be selected from enterprise-grade switches that support security policies like ACL (Access Control List). These devices allow the definition of permissible traffic types, effectively blocking certain types of traffic from being transmitted, and ensuring network security.

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Important factors when choosing a general switch


Redundancy capabilities are crucial for ensuring network security and are among the key factors that network administrators need to consider when choosing an aggregation switch.
For an Aggregation Switch, having redundant power is essential. If one of its power supplies fails or needs replacement, the device can rely on another power source to continue operating without disrupting the normal functioning of the network.

 Product Features

– **Diverse Port Types**: The Aggregation Network Switch offers a variety of ports, including 20G optical ports, four 10G/25G optical ports, and two 40G optical ports for uplink connections.
– **Virtualization Technology**: The device supports VSU virtualization technology, providing robust and flexible network performance.
– **Multi-Level Hardware Protection**: It supports hot-swappable redundant power supplies, intelligent dual fans, and dual boot backup for added redundancy.
– **Real-Time Network Security Monitoring**: It supports CPP and NFPP to ensure the network’s durability and robustness.
– **Sound QoS Strategy**: This strategy allows for flexible network resource allocation, stable speed, and congestion-free performance.
– **Management Features**: The switch supports SNMP, RMON, Syslog, USB, and multiple management functions such as CLI, Web-based management, and Telnet. Additionally, the device is easy to maintain.


In conclusion, the article provided by DNG Corp has thoroughly detailed the Aggregation Switch and proposed key factors to help businesses select an aggregation switch that aligns with their network architecture, performance needs, and future system development plans.
For the fastest consultation and support, please contact DNG Corp—a leading and reputable provider of network switch products—via Hotline: 0983 959 796 / 0988 712 159 or Email: